BECOME AN iS PARTNER Welcome to Bridging the gap between science and beauty. Immediate and lasting improvements in your skin. VIEW PRODUCTS WHERE TO BUY
Welcome to Bridging the gap between science and beauty. Immediate and lasting improvements in your skin. READ MORE VIEW PRODUCTS
We continually strive to make dramatic improvements in skin health and appearance.

Pharmaceutical grade botanically based ingredients

iS Clinical bridges the gap between science and beauty using pharmaceutical grade botanically based ingredients with the latest technologies.  Combining these technologically advance ingredients in our formulations results in products that provide immediate and lasting improvements in your skin.

The iS CLINICAL range follows
a 4-step philosophy

cleanse, treat, hydrate and protect. With this philosophy we help treat various of skincare concerns


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Our products are safe to use
while pregnant
and nursing

We have a range of product especially
designed for cancer

iS Clinical is

We promote a culture of innovation,
and ethics

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